Pre-order Sally Face: Strange Nightmares

Created by Maestro Media & Steve Gabry

Missed the Kickstarter? Don't worry, you can still get the amazing Sally Face: Strange Nightmares game and merchandise here!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Social Challenge #6 | Livestream Reminder!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Mar 14, 2023 at 01:50:05 PM

Hello Friends!

It's time for a new round of Social Goals! The challenges get harder (stranger) and wackier as we climb the ladder. This time around we're looking for:

Head to Sally Face Page (linked) and click that little heart button to let people know you're excited about the game!

That's right, we're looking for 12 people to create 12 headstones for the characters of Sally Face. Feel free to get creative with what you use to craft these headstones. (I personally want to see some mashed potato art).

Where are our bakers at? It's your time to shine! We're looking for 9 people to create Sally Face-themed cakes, cookies, or other food. (Maybe some mashed potatoes? Just a suggestion).

Who still has a mail slot?! We need you to drink tea through it! 6 of you to be exact. And if you don't have a mail slot, get creative and drink out of a mailbox. I expect to see something wacky. (If you somehow get mashed potatoes in this one you either did something horribly wrong or horribly right. I’m going to go with horribly right.)

What card art did we unlock for Social Goals #5?

Here's a look at what you beautiful people unlocked with the last round of social goals:

Here's some more incredible art from @Otakubartender and first looks at the sketches from @verymerrymart and @/nana_shaaaa. The final card is from @BessesseN, who you may remember is the fantastic artist who is creating our Tarot Deck art. They've spoiled us and drew a couple of pieces for The Nightmares Deck as well! Let us know which card is your favorite in the comments!

Livestream SOON!

Here's another reminder that the livestream with creator Steve Gabry, Beneeta, and Dustin from the Maestro Team is happening at 5 pm EASTERN TIME. That's 9 pm GMT! Don't miss your chance to ask your questions in chat.

We'll see you tonight!

~The Maestro Team

Week Two Recap | Livestream Link
over 1 year ago – Tue, Mar 14, 2023 at 09:09:44 AM

Hello Friends,

Can you believe it? We're already 2 weeks into this campaign?

Can you believe it? We're only 2 weeks into this campaign?

Time has both flown by and stood still and here we are!

What Have We Unlocked?

We are halfway through our deep descent (or should we say ascent?) into the Addison Apartments! At the halfway mark of the campaign we have hit $211,250 unlocking 7 Stretch Goals, oh and there's rumblings of a secret Stretch Goal at $215,000! [SHHHH]. Not too shabby for everyone’s favorite indie game! We have also surpassed an incredible backer milestone and have 2,051! We fixed the stairs last time, but maybe now we’re going to need to get a larger weight limit approved for the elevators so you guys aren’t tripping over each other exploring.

In week two you have not slowed down one bit with the social goal submissions! We can hardly keep up and we might run out of goals at this rate! Seeing all your amazing submissions has been a blast. We're super fans of yours and we LOVE seeing all of your creative content, keep 'em coming!

With everyone’s submissions, we have unlocked a total of 24 cards from even more incredible artists in The Nightmare Deck! 

Thank you as always for all of your support! Without you all we wouldn’t be able to do what we love to do and make such a great game for a great IP!

What Did We Do?

For everyone who may be new in town, we highly encourage taking a look at some of these linked posts from the last week!

And while you’re there, make sure to follow all of Steve Gabry and Maestro Media’s social media accounts so you don’t miss anything surrounding the campaign as we begin the second half of the festivities!

Maestro Media Socials:

Steve Gabry Socials:

If anyone needs anything, we will be deep below the apartment complex, combing carefully through every comment and question you may have! If you don’t want to wait for our two wonderful Maestro accounts to answer your question, we have a helpful little FAQ we made! Dustin, whom you may know from a particular stream (, worked very hard on it so make sure to at least peek at it once to make him feel better! Don’t make Dustin sad. No one wants a sad Dustin. See you guys soon with another exciting update!

Remember the Livestream TONIGHT!

Time Zones are weird, in the US we've already switched to Daylight Savings Time... or out of DST, I don't know. But, the important thing is that the our livestream is at a "different time" for most people outside of the US this week. We'll be livestreaming at 5pm Eastern/2pm Pacific, which is now 9PM GMT (+4 GMT). Synchronize your watches, you DO NOT want to miss this livestream!

~The Maestro Team

Social Challenges Appreciation
over 1 year ago – Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 06:00:16 PM

Hello Friends!

We wanted to take a moment to spotlight our fans on social media. You are AMAZING! We've seen such creativity and joy in your submissions and want to thank you for bringing that fire to this campaign. For those of you here that are participating, feel free to drop a link to your Social Challenge Post on the main comments section! We're super proud of everything you do and we want you to share it!

This is just a TINY portion of all of the amazing stuff you do!

How to Participate

If you're new here, we've got a brief recap of how you can help:

What Are Social Goals?

First, for those of you who are unfamiliar with social goals in a Kickstarter campaign, they are simple. We set out a list of things to do and post on social media, we assign a number of people that have to do each thing on the list, and at the end of each completed list, we unlock a bonus for the campaign!

How Do I Participate?

All you have to do is post your submission on either Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok and @TheMaestroTeam & @portablemoose with the hashtag #StangeNightmares. From there, we will add your submission to our count for the social goal! Your submission will not be counted if we are not tagged in the post or if the hashtag is not used, so be careful before posting!

What Do We Unlock?

For each social goal we complete, we will unlock a group of cards from The Nightmares Deck. The Nightmares Deck is a deck of alternate art cards where we take cards from the game and hand them off to an amazing artist who then creates another version of that card’s art in their own spectacular style!

Remember to post your awesome submissions in the comments!

~The Maestro Team

Last Thursday's Event & Upcoming Livestream
over 1 year ago – Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 01:34:01 PM

Hello Friends,

We apologize for being a bit quiet the last few days, we were on a fulfillment center visit, but we're BACK, and we have some really awesome stuff to talk about. 

First, let's start with the event we hosted on Thursday night at Bold Escape Rooms in Pittsburgh, PA, US. It was an amazing opportunity to share the game and hear in-person feedback as we finalize the development of the game. 

We had 3 rounds of Strange Nightmares gaming with 5 prototypes set up. In between rounds, the groups got to experience the Escape Rooms, we had some delicious local pizza, and Steve was an autographing machine!

Thank you to the fans who came out, a huge thank you to the fans who brought us their original artwork, and a special shoutout to the fans who drove up from Raleigh, NC just to be a part of the event (that's an 8+hr car ride!).

I'm bummed that we won't be able to do this in every city in the world - believe me, I wish we could! But I'm thrilled to say that we will be at 3 upcoming conventions this year if you'd like to join us. First up:

  • UK Games Expo - Friday June 2-4 in Birmingham, UK
  • Gen Con - Thursday August 3-6 in Indianapolis, IN, US - we might be looking for more Demoers at Gencon!
  • Spiel (Essen) - Thursday October 5-8 in Essen, DE (Germany)

We would love to see you there and play demos of the game with you. In fact, by Gen Con, and definitely by Essen, we will have a preview copy of the game from the manufacturer!

Livestream March 14th

With the US having moved to Daylight Saving Time this last weekend, our times are a little funky for the rest of the world. We'll be livestreaming at 5pm EASTERN/2pm PACIFIC which is now 9pm GMT. We're answering fan questions about the Kickstarter, chatting, and we will have a few big announcements! Make sure you join us!

~ The Maestro Team

Here's to You, The Nightmares Deck, & A Live Event?!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Mar 09, 2023 at 12:01:49 PM

Hello Friends!

We're ten days into the campaign, and wow - we've hit some amazing milestones regarding backers and funding. But really it's all about the community that's been built so far, and that's all about you. We have had some really amazing conversations in the comments as well as during the livestreams. So thank you all for being active and engaged, it's truly incredible. If you missed the last livestream, make sure to check that out below!

Steve and Maestro on Stream!

On stream, some folks in chat were demanding Steve in a Cape. We accidentally typed cake and it led to some super sweet (pun intended) drawings from the community of both!

Steve in a Cap(k)e

And the fun doesn't stop with just the Kickstarter comments or streams either. As you have all seen (or at least we hope you have seen!) we have been running Social Goals for over a week now!

Social Goals Galore!

We are currently on Group 5 of the goals as you guys just keep cruising through all of them. It is always a joy to see all of your submissions! As for what these goals are for, here are all the cards you wonderful people have unlocked so far! 

20 Unlocks Already?!

These are all in a deck called The Nightmares Deck, and it's full of amazing new art from fans on existing cards. These cards are exclusive to the Deluxe version of the game, Super Strange Nightmares.

And again we cannot say this enough, but thank you to each and every one of you who have supported us during this campaign. Whether it has been through backing the Kickstarter, participating in the Social Goals, or simply just talking about the Kickstarter with others, you have been thus far - and undoubtedly will continue to be - an amazing group that we are lucky to have!

One last thing to mention before we close out this update: Steve Gabry and Maestro Media will be at Bold Escape Rooms in Pittsburgh TONIGHT to celebrate the Kickstarter! There are still a few tickets available if you're in or around Pittsburgh, PA. Click the image below for details! 

We hope to see you there!

We look forward to chatting with you more in the comments! A big thank you one last time from Maestro Media and Steve Gabry as this has been an amazing 10 days. You all are truly special <3.

~The Maestro Team