Pre-order Sally Face: Strange Nightmares

Created by Maestro Media & Steve Gabry

Missed the Kickstarter? Don't worry, you can still get the amazing Sally Face: Strange Nightmares game and merchandise here!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Timeline Update, QoL changes for Strange Nightmares, and More Merch Updates!
23 days ago – Wed, Jul 03, 2024 at 04:08:09 PM

Hello Friends,


We regrettably need to push the fulfillment timeline back one final time to account for some final edits that are being made to the game to perfect it. While we could push print on the games as is, it would not align with our core value of producing nothing but the best for our fans. While this is understandably upsetting, this final pushback will allow us to make all of our necessary changes in time to get everyone an amazing game for the holidays! 

The updated timeline is as follows:

Manufacturing begins: Done!
Manufacturing completes: Early September
Games arrive: October 2024
Shipping begins: November 2024

Like Steve has said previously on Instagram, everything surrounding the project is going well. These things just take time. The game (and all of the merch coming with it) is going to be absolutely amazing and we are very excited to see everyone play it later this year!

Merch Updates Galore!

On a more positive note, we are making significant progress with various pieces of the Sally Face merch! Let's go through the trio of updates 1 by 1.

Figure Molds

Some very exciting photos were sent to us earlier this month. Check out the test molds for the 7 Sally Face figures below!

Sal and Pals!

Figures take a LONG time to create from start to finish so this moment is a bit surreal to us. Everything has started to coalesce into proper physical products and soon we will see them in all of their colorful glory!

New Sally Face Dice Roller Design

We have been hard at work behind the scenes after you all voted to change the dice roller rather than cancel the item. After some brainstorming and some input from Steve, we have designed something fun that fits in well. Please see our new design below :)

New Dice Roller!
Cool Box!

Simple yet elegant. It even comes with a cool box! We will share photos of a proper physical sample photo when we have one for you. We wanted to provide you with an update early since we had you all vote for this! Let us know what you think in the comments.

New Vinyl Slip Cover

The most visually appealing update we have, here are the official fronts and backs of Vinyl Slip Covers for Vinyls 1 and 2! 

Steve killed it designing these!

These look absolutely sick and we would love to hear your thoughts on the design. What track are you most looking forward to on vinyl?

That's all for now. Thank you for your patience as these updates become more sporadic. We will return with physical photo samples for you next time as we march toward fulfilling your orders with a top-notch product! As always, if you have any questions we will be in the comments to help :)

Until next time,

~The Maestro Team

Delivery Timeline Update, a Merchandise Question, and Backerkit Survey Reminder
3 months ago – Wed, Apr 24, 2024 at 01:42:48 PM

Hello Friends,

It’s been a while hasn’t it? We are hard at work now that manufacturing has begun. All tweaks from the white box sample mentioned in our last update have been made and we are soon to be knee-deep in copies of Sally Face: Strange Nightmares! As we are getting closer to fulfillment, we want to start laying out our delivery timeline in each update to keep you all informed as to where we are in the process. We apologize that this update took longer than we would have liked to share with you, but we wanted to make sure we took the time to provide you with an accurate timeline.


As it stands, here are the remaining key dates for the project:

Manufacturing begins: Done!
Manufacturing completes: Late July
Games arrive at U.S. Port: Late August/Early September
Games arrive at our Fulfillment Center: September
Shipping Begins: Late September

Unfortunately, this does mean we have pushed our estimated delivery date a few months. While this isn’t great news, we want to be upfront with everyone about the delay now rather than suddenly announcing it as we hit our original date. All-in-all the game will still be everything we hoped for and more, we just need to wait a little while longer before we can get it out to everyone.

Addison Tea Cup & Saucer Dice Roller

We have run into a slight problem with the Addison Tea Cup & Saucer Dice Roller. When discussing this item with our manufacturer, they said that it would be very costly and time-consuming to create the custom mold for the Tea Cup and Saucer. Because of this, we do not want to risk delaying delivery any further.

This is where we need to kick things over to you. For those of you who purchased the dice roller, would you rather have a more standard Addison Tea Dice Roller that is just a standard roller (think of the roller used in Yahtzee) but with an Addison Tea theme/design and a $10 partial refund or would you like a full refund and we cancel the item altogether?

If you have backed for this item and/or added it to your pledge in Backerkit, we would love to hear your thoughts. Please use the following Google Form to let your voice be heard! We will leave it open for 1 week before we tally the votes and act accordingly.

Backerkit Survey Reminder

Between updates we have moved from 78% of Backerkit surveys completed to 79%. Not exactly the kind of push we were hoping for so we just want to remind everyone one last time that we need you to fill out your Backerkit survey as soon as you can! Without providing us with your shipping address, we have no way of knowing where to send you your sick Sally Face Games and Merch!

Remember, if you need help filling out your survey, please reach out to us in Kickstarter DMs or through our Contact Us page. If you are unsure whether or not you have filled out your survey, you can use this to resend yourself your survey link:

We will keep you posted on progress and come back next update with pictures from the factory!

Until next time,

~The Maestro Team

Backerkit Closing Soon, Strange Boxes Quarterly Boxes #2, and White Box Sample Photos
6 months ago – Fri, Feb 02, 2024 at 09:10:51 AM

Hello Friends,

Backerkit will Close on February 28th!

For the 78% of you who have already filled out your surveys, there is nothing else you need to do! Great job :)

For the last 22% of you wonderful people, we need you to fill out your surveys with your shipping information and make any adjustments to your pledge that you would like to make before the 28th. If you are having issues with your pledge and you have not already done so, please feel free to reach out to us either here on Kickstarter or via the Contact Us page on our website:

After the 28th, we will be locking all Backerkit surveys. After that, any adjustments to your address or order that need to be done will have to be done by our Customer Experience team. If you are unable to fill out your survey before the 28th for any reason, please reach out to us whenever possible so we can help finalize your survey ASAP!

If you are unsure whether or not you have filled out your survey, you can use this to resend yourself your survey link:

Strange Boxes Quarterly Boxes #2

We are pleased to announce that Strange Box 6 has begun shipping to our monthly subscribers! This means that all 3 boxes for quarterly box #2 are produced!

With this, we will pull a shipping report of all of our Quarterly subscribers soon. Keep an eye on your emails in the near future for a tracking email!

White Box Sample Photos

As promised in our last update, we want to take the time to show you photos of the white box samples the team received!

All components laid out!
The components fit snuggly in the box!

Our team has provided feedback to our manufacturing partner and some small tweaks are being made to the components to increase the thickness of some pieces. Only the best for you all! Once these are implemented, we can begin manufacturing the games!

That's all for now. As always we will be available in the comments section and via our Contact Us page here. We'll be back with another update next month!

Until next time,

~The Maestro Team

Final Files are Submitted, Card Art, and Strange Boxes 4 and 5!
7 months ago – Tue, Jan 09, 2024 at 10:18:49 AM

Hello Friends,

We come bearing finalized art! The last six cards of the Nightmare Deck are now complete. Take a look at the amazing colored art from Agnes!

Now that these are done, all final files have been submitted to the manufacturer! This means we can begin production of the game! First, they will start with a white box sample of the game. This is essentially just a blank version of the box and all components that will be sent to our team to ensure the size and shape of everything is correct. From there we can begin proper production. We will share pictures of this (and merch samples) as soon as we get our eager hands on them!

As of right now, we are still on track for our original estimated delivery date! Woohoo!

Strange Boxes #4 and #5

We have some exciting news! Strange Box #4 is getting ready to ship out to monthly subscribers shortly with new and improved packaging!

What could be inside?
Shirts and goodies galore!

Packaged in a brand new stylized box with more protective internal packaging and puzzles printed on sturdier paper, Strange Boxes 4-12 will be better than ever!

As stated above, Box #4 will begin to ship to monthly subscribers shortly with Box #5 also shipping out later this month. We are working on box #6 still but as soon as that is done, we can get our wonderful quarterly subscribers their second box!

That's all for now. We will be back later this month with another progress report for Strange Nightmares! As always, if you need anything feel free to ask us questions in the comments :)

Until next time,

~The Maestro Team

Nightmare Deck Update and Quarterly Box #2 Timeline!
8 months ago – Thu, Dec 07, 2023 at 01:56:42 PM

Hello Friends,

We come bearing art! The last six cards of the Nightmare Deck are being finalized. The below images are the line art from the ever-talented Agnes Garbowska. She is one of our favorite artists and we are incredibly excited to have her help us round out the card art!

So many lines!

Once these are finished, we will turn the last of our final files in. That means we are right on time to begin the production process by the end of the month!

Strange Boxes Timeline

Quarterly box #1 has already arrived for some of you, with the rest of them on the way! As for Quarterly Box #2, we are working on catching up to prevent an extended wait. We are currently projecting that Monthly box 6 will be ready in Early March. As soon as those boxes are ready to go, we will pair them with boxes 4 and 5 and post an update letting everyone know that they are going out!

Thank you all for your patience and support while we work behind to scenes to get everyone the best games and boxes we can! Next update, we should be able to officially announce that all files are turned in and approved! Exciting stuff heading into the new year :)

Until next time,

~The Maestro Team