Missed the Kickstarter? Don't worry, you can still get the amazing Sally Face: Strange Nightmares game and merchandise here!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
August Update: Pre-Press Copy & Gen Con
over 1 year ago
– Wed, Aug 16, 2023 at 02:21:00 PM
Hello Friends,
We're celebrating because it's Sally Face's birthday! That's right, 7 years ago TODAY the incredible Sally Face - Episode One: Strange Neighbors was released on Steam and itch.io. Join us in celebrating the groundbreaking, award-winning game that brought us all together by posting your favorite Sally Face memory all over social media and tagging @portablemoose and @themaestroteam!
Happy Birthday Sally Face!
On the game front, we have some HUGE NEWS! We've received the pre-press copy of the game for inspection! What does that mean? Before we print THOUSANDS of games (thank you again for your amazing support!), these pre-press copies are sent to us so we can review/give feedback/correct any mistakes. With such a complicated game we are expecting to find a few things that need correcting and our evil scientists are digging through their copies as we speak! In the meantime, check out these amazing photos of the game and your fellow fans who recently got a sneak peek!
Celebratory Collage!
If you didn’t already know, The Maestro Team journeyed to Gen Con last week! That's actually where we got the pre-press copies of the game from - these copies traveled via plane and suitcase to get into our eager hands! Between all the demos (and trying to pry the game out of our team's hands) it was quite a busy four days, but I was able to sneak some photos into the collage above!
We'll be back soon! We've also got some pre-production copies of some of the merch to show off - and you’ll want to keep your eyes peeled for that!
~The Maestro Team
July Update #1 - Rulebook Preview & Solo Mode Update
over 1 year ago
– Fri, Jul 07, 2023 at 02:52:52 PM
Hello Friends,
Check it out! We've finished up the rulebook and would love to have your feedback on it before we send it off to the printer. This is the last file that needs to be delivered to the manufacturer so the game can get printed! We still have a ways to go after that - we‘ll need to approve the white box sample (all of the "pieces" of the game printed but with no graphics), and then we‘ll need a production copy of the game for approval (the first few run copies of the game for one final look). Once we’re happy with those, production can begin!
We've also been working on Solo Mode! Check out how to play below and let us know your thoughts!
Join Us at Gen Con
Maestro Media will be at Gencon August 3rd-6th, and we'd love to see you there! We'll be demoing copies of the game and showing off some cool stuff. If you're heading to Indianapolis, make sure to swing by Gencon for the four best days in gaming, and head to Booth 265 to come see us!
We'll see you soon,
~The Maestro Team
June Update #2 - New Game Images and Backerkit Deadline Extension
over 1 year ago
– Thu, Jun 29, 2023 at 03:02:28 PM
Hello Friends,
Our last update only netted another 4% of backers completing their survey so we want to say it again, please get those surveys filled out! We are extending our Backerkit deadline until August to allow everyone to fill out their surveys! These surveys are very important as they're literally the only way we know what items you want with your pledge and where to send your pledge once it's ready to ship! We just sent out a reminder email that comes from "Maestro Media and Steve Gabry" with a Backerkit.com email address on Wednesday, but you can also find your survey by heading HERE.
If you're having problems filling out or finding your survey, we're here to help! Message us through our contact form on our website. You can also reach out to us if you'd like to add additional add-ons to your pledge or for any other assistance.
Progress continues on the game! One thing that was asked that we have an answer for now: the patches are iron on patches. Today we're thrilled to show off the Tuck Boxes and a few other updates to game components, an actual test copy of the Tarot Deck (it needs some small tweaks), and a new look at the box and rulebook art! Check out the sweet pics below!
Finalized Tuckboxes, Standees, and dice
Printed Test Copy of the Tarot Deck!
Brand new Box Art and Rulebook Art
Keep Fighting the Darkness
~The Maestro Team
June Update
over 1 year ago
– Wed, Jun 21, 2023 at 11:54:46 AM
Hello Friends,
Please remember to fill out your Backerkit Surveys! 60% of you have so far, and we thank you! For the other 40%, please head over there and get that stuff filled out. If you need to, you can recover your link to your Backerkit survey HERE.
If you're having problems filling out or finding your survey, we're here to help! Message us through our contact form on our website. You can also reach out to us if you'd like to add additional add-ons to your pledge or for any other assistance.
Progress on the manufacturing of the game continues, and we remain on track (if not early - but let's not jinx anything!) for delivery next year. Our merchandise is also coming along nicely: we've seen the first round of plushes (not approved so we don't want to show them off just yet), the 3D renders for the Addison Tea Cup and Saucer (both the dice roller and actual cup), and more! Check out the prototype for the new mask:
We'll be back with more soon. For now: GO FILL OUT THOSE SURVEYS!
~ The Maestro Team
Reminder BACKERKIT is live! Finalized Components
over 1 year ago
– Tue, May 23, 2023 at 10:23:56 AM
Hi Friends,
It's official, we're in the pledge manager portion of the project! Everyone has been sent their invite and so far we've had 1,250 responses - that means about 41% of you keen beans have filled it in already! We'd like to see that number grow pretty rapidly so we can get better counts of all of the merchandise we need to order.
We've also seen some folks with charge errors (51 people, to be precise). If your card errored, you should have received an email letting you know.
If you don't think you've received your Backerkit invite email (it will say it is from Maestro Media & Steve Gabry), please first check your SPAM/JUNK folder (some of these automatic filters clearly don’t know a good email when they see one - shocking, I know right?).
If you still don't see your invite, you can head to: http://sallyface.backerkit.com/ and try to log in from there. If that doesn't work the only other issue would be that your email is incorrect. This could be that your Kickstarter sign-in email is different than you're expecting, it could be that you're using an email relay service (like Apple Relay) which are known to cause issues with Kickstarter and Backerkit. We can try our best to assist you if you message us HERE. The more information you can provide, the easier it will be to find you. Name or Kickstarter screenname, pledge level, and backer number are all helpful.
Strange Boxes
If you are interested in the Kickstarter Exclusive (sorry pre-order folks) Quarterly Subscription to Strange Boxes, make sure you add that to your pledge and check out before JUNE 1st! This is the least expensive the boxes will ever be, and you'll get 4 total shipments throughout the next year each packed to the brim with cool goodies with 3 shirts, 6+ puzzles, 3 art prints, and 3 bonus items.
If you are a pre-order backer, don't fear: On June 1st you'll be able to order a single box, a monthly subscription, or an all-in-one annual option for Strange Boxes from MaestroMedia.com.
Finalizing the Game
We're so close! We are in the process of delivering files to the manufacturer, finalizing the rulebook, and playtesting solo mode for its inclusion (more news to come soon). We wanted to share a sneak peak at the finished card files. Take a look at these beauties!