Pre-order Sally Face: Strange Nightmares

Created by Maestro Media & Steve Gabry

Missed the Kickstarter? Don't worry, you can still get the amazing Sally Face: Strange Nightmares game and merchandise here!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

What Would You Like to See?
over 1 year ago – Sun, Mar 19, 2023 at 02:03:05 PM

Hello friends,

The Floor is Open!

As we near the last ten days of our exploration of the Addison Apartments, we would like to give you all the floor! What would you like to see more of in these updates during the final third of this campaign? Are there some add-ons we haven't discussed yet that you'd like to know more about? Maybe a live Q and A with some of the team? Maybe you guys want to see Dustin and the team make some Sally Face mashed potato art? Let us know in the comments!

Question of the Day!

What time is it? *Checks imaginary watch* OH MY! ALREADY!? Looks like it is Question of the Day time! Check the bottom of each day's update for the QotD, and then answer in the comments section of the update or the campaign comments!

Today's Question: What is one question you would ask your favorite character if you could?

Get in the comments and let us know!

~The Maestro Team

Social Challenge #7 Starts NOW!
over 1 year ago – Sat, Mar 18, 2023 at 07:48:12 AM

Happy weekend Friends!

You should be as excited as we are... because you completed Social Challenges #6 yesterday and we're moving on to Social Challenges #7 RIGHT NOW!

Nobody panic! This is not a drill! Has anyone seen my brown paper bag?AHHHH!

Social Goals #7

The stakes have never been higher! The challenges never more intense! But we think you will have a lot of fun with these ones! We need to complete 3 out of the 4 of these to unlock 4 additional cards in The Nightmares Deck!

Steve’s TikTok

Here's what you did last time!

We had over 100 people participate in the last Social Challenges #6, and during our last Livestream we also threw in a bonus popup challenge of "draw us a picture of Steve's Fursona." You incredible people did not disappoint. Here's just a small smattering of the incredible stuff you did:

The cakes, cookies, cupcakes, and the brewed tea all look amazing! I love the creativity we saw with the tombstones, and we got not one but two pictures of Steve as a Capybara. My day is made! Though I am saddened no one took the opportunity to do some mashed potato art tombstones or SF inspired food art. Oh well, there’s always next time.

Here's a look at those 4 cards we unlocked for the completing that challenge, plus an additional 2 cards thanks to the amazing art from the_verTigO and Haelmer!

New Nightmares Deck Unlocks!

Question of the Day!

Ding, ding, ding Question of the Day time! Check the bottom of each day's update for the QotD, and then answer in the comments section of the update or the campaign comments!

Today's Question: Which episode of Sally Face is your favorite and why? [OR] Which Strange Nightmares Story are you most looking forward to exploring? [NO SPOILERS!]

Get in the comments and let us know!

~The Maestro Team

Friday Lore Drop!
over 1 year ago – Fri, Mar 17, 2023 at 01:18:48 PM

Hello Friends!

If you haven't been watching the Livestreams, HERE, HeRe, hErE, and here, you've been missing all the purposeful... and accidental Sally Face Lore that Steve's been casually dropping. Did you know that Sal's favorite dessert is Cinnamon Rolls? 

We do try to avoid those Lore Drops during streams so we can focus on answering questions about the Kickstarter, Strange Nightmares, and Strange Boxes... but that doesn't mean we don't want more lore in our lives. So with just 2 weeks left in the campaign, Steve has decided to start dropping little tidbits every so often in these updates. Every update that has a piece of Lore, we'll label with Lore Drop so you don't miss any! Here's the first:

So the real question... almost like a second question of the day… is WHAT HAPPENED TO THE VENDING MACHINE GUY?! We'd love to hear what you think happened to him, drop a comment and tell us your Vending Machine Guy headcanon.

Question of the Day!

It's that time again! Every time I write this I imagine a little popsicle stick with googly eyes singing a little jingle, the 90's were a strange time. Check the bottom of every day's update for the QotD and then answer in the comments section of the update or the campaign comments!

Today's Question: Who is your favorite character and why? [NO SPOILERS!]

Get in the comments and let us know!

~The Maestro Team

We’ve Hit a New Stretch Goal!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Mar 16, 2023 at 11:22:33 AM

We have officially hit our $215,000 Stretch Goal! We just unlocked an absolutely amazing Box Sleeve from the incredibly talented Lilly Martin! The box sleeve is available at any tier that includes the Super Strange Nightmares (aka the Deluxe) version of the game! Shown below is a sketch of the Box Sleeve. We will be revealing the final design in the near future!

Sketch of Box Sleeve Art

This marks the eighth stretch goal we have hit this campaign, with more to come! Here’s a look at the other seven!

With that our next stretch goal is $250,000 - where we will be unlocking both a fifth playable character for the game AND a solo mode! This takes the game from being for 2-4 players to being for 1-5 players! Remember that all these unlocks are because of your support: We can’t thank you all enough for joining us as we begin the second half of this Kickstarter campaign! We have Stretch Goals planned well beyond $250,000; so if you haven’t already make sure to tell everyone and their dog about this Kickstarter so we can keep smashing through as many unlocks as we can!

And, as always, if you have any questions check out the Campaign’s FAQ page or feel free to drop them in the comments!

Question of the Day!

It's the Question of the Day time! Check the bottom of every day's update and then answer in the comments section of the update or the campaign comments!

Today's Question: What drew you to want to play/back Sally Face? [or] How did you discover Sally Face?

Get in the comments and let us know!

~The Maestro Team

March 14th Livestream Recap
over 1 year ago – Wed, Mar 15, 2023 at 10:06:21 AM

Hey Friends,

If you missed the livestream, you can catch the replay HERE.

First, we answered a ton of questions. I'll briefly sum them up here as best I can, but seriously, go check out the livestream for all your Q's A'd!

How Do I Purchase Add-Ons?

All you need to do now is pledge, at any level. The sweet merch and additional games will then be available after the Kickstarter is over in our pledge manager. The pledge manager, Backerkit, acts as a store allowing you to add anything you'd like to your cart. Keep in mind that add-ons are slightly more expensive individually than they would be in one of the tiers, so if you see a tier that has everything you want, GET THAT TIER!

How Do I Help With Stretch Goals?

You can add bonus support to your pledge very easily - we made a guide in this UPDATE. Bonus support will act like a gift card in the pledge manager, allowing you to pay upfront for shipping costs and/or any add-ons you know you want. If you can afford it, we highly recommend doing this because it helps us achieve more Stretch Goals, and Stretch Goals are free bonus extras!


That's right, during the stream we added another Stretch Goal to unlock at $215,000. It's an amazing Box Sleeve by the incomparable Lilly Martin! This sleeve is for any tier that includes the Super Strange Nightmares (Deluxe) version of the game and will mark you as one of the cool people who were here at the beginning.

Sketch of Box Art/Sleeve shown, final design coming soon


As we've done every livestream, we've added a bonus social goal. It unlocks an additional card in The Nightmares Deck. 

This stream’s bonus social goal is: Draw Steve as a furry/draw Steve's Fursona

If you'd like to participate, show us your art with the hashtag #StrangeNightmares and tag @portablemoose & @themaestroteam!

This is in addition to our current challenges:

To participate, head to Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok, and post your picture/video. Make sure to tag @portablemoose (@portablemoose1 on TikTok) and @TheMaestroTeam and use the hashtag #StrangeNightmares.

For the first one head to and click that little heart icon to become a fan!

We'll be livestreaming again NEXT TUESDAY, March 21st at 5 pm Eastern (9 pm GMT). Don’t miss your chance to chat with creator Steve Gabry and The Maestro Team!

On the final week of the campaign, we're changing things up and will not be streaming that Tuesday. Instead, we're going to do a final night stream on Thursday, March 30th, where we'll be counting down the last hours of the Kickstarter with everyone!

Question of the Day!

We're starting a new section in the updates because you're awesome and we want to know more about you! Check the bottom of every day's update and then answer in the comments section of the update or the campaign comments

Today's Question: How long have you been a fan of Sally Face?

Get in the comments and let us know!

See you soon!

~The Maestro Team