Pre-order Sally Face: Strange Nightmares

Created by Maestro Media & Steve Gabry

Missed the Kickstarter? Don't worry, you can still get the amazing Sally Face: Strange Nightmares game and merchandise here!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Finishing up Game Files & More
over 1 year ago – Wed, Apr 26, 2023 at 07:31:01 AM

Hello Friends,

Three updates for everyone:

  • Game Files
  • Backerkit
  • Merchandise Prototypes

Game Files

We're working diligently to get the game files complete for delivery to the factory and get the game printed. In fact we've delivered the first wave to the factory already! Take a look at some of the updates we've done to the game cards. These are still awaiting final approvals so they may change slightly, but WOW!


The team is busy building out the Backerkit page so it's easy for everyone to use. We're estimating to begin our smoke test, meaning it sends out to a small percentage of people to see if there's anything that breaks, this weekend! Followed by rollout to everyone next week! We'll be back shortly with an update explaining everything you need to know about Backerkit

Merchandise Prototypes

The factory is beginning to work on prototypes of all of the merchandise. As soon as we have them, we will take photos so everyone can see the amazing merchandise in finalized forms!

Our friends at Jellop helped make this project a success and wanted us to let you know:

Don't Miss Out On New Projects
Our project was featured on the First Backer Newsletter, and we'd like to invite you to join its growing community of Kickstarter backers - You'll receive fresh Kickstarter projects, and amazing early bird offers, as well as awesome freebies delivered right to your inbox. Click here to subscribe.

~The Maestro Team

WE DID IT! What's Next?
over 1 year ago – Fri, Mar 31, 2023 at 12:02:38 AM

Hello Friends,

That… was amazing. We could never have anticipated the level of support we received from you all. We ended at $306,947 and 3,025 backers and every single one of you made this possible. We want to thank you for your incredible support! We couldn't have done it without you, and we are so grateful for each and every one of you who contributed to make this project a reality.

Over the course of 30 days we unlocked

and you amazing people flooded social media with your posts unlocking a grand total of 56 cards for The Nightmares Deck.

So what now? Well, Steve and the team are gonna go into a small hibernation so we can make up for lost hours of sleep (I don’t care what science says it definitely feels like I can do that).

After a nice nap and with some propped open eyelids, we will be moving to bi-weekly, and eventually monthly, updates as the campaign continues its advance towards fulfillment. At times we will have a lot to share, and sometimes we won’t have much outside of a quick “Hi, we are still here, we promise”. In these updates, we will talk about everything from development, to manufacturing, to shipping! We will also chat about and show off the merchandise samples we receive from the manufacturer. Make sure you keep an eye on this Kickstarter page and stay subscribed to emails from Kickstarter so you don’t miss anything!

Additionally, in about 4 weeks, we will be launching the pledge manager, Backerkit. We will be back to chat about that soon. It will remain open for a few months, though items may go out of stock early, so make sure you add what you want early. You can continue to add add-ons as long as it is open, and the stock remains available. If you have or plan to purchase a quarterly subscription to Strange Boxes, bear in mind your pledge manager will close before June 1st 2023 so we can begin shipping you the first of your packages!

After that, we play the waiting game for a bit for backers, while there is lots of work behind the scenes for the team. We will finalize the art and graphic design for the game, work with the factory on the design of the game box so everything fits nicely, deliver finished files to the factory, get the game manufactured, assemble the games, and freight ship to the fulfillment centers before the games can ship to you. It’s a long process and we’ll be sending updates out as we clear each stage. For this project, we plan to deliver the game on or before June 2024 (we definitely think before, but world events keep happening). We will always keep you well-informed every step of the way with at least one update a month!

This is only the beginning of another exciting chapter in the game’s creation. As always, we thank you for your time and continued support.

Catch the replay of the final livestream HERE

Thank you from the team!

~The Maestro Team

over 1 year ago – Thu, Mar 30, 2023 at 11:16:03 PM


You've done it, you beautiful people, you've really done it! With just under one hour remaining you have:


Officially Befriended!

Thanks to all of your hard work, we've befriended Travis and he's become a part of the gang!

With this, you've unlocked BOTH a Lisa and Megan Allies set. This adds 2 brand new standees, 2 new Mystery Cards and 2 new Ally Cards to the game. They're so new, we can't even show you finished art and text yet!

Lisa’s Ally Set


Social Challenge Submissions Galore!

~The Maestro Team

Final 5 Hours! Livestream SOON!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Mar 30, 2023 at 06:47:30 PM

Hello Friends,

We’re In The Endgame Now!

We just want to give a massive thank you to each and every one of you. Whether you backed at a tier and never looked at the Kickstarter again, or you have been working tirelessly day and night to help us answer questions here and all over social media, you have all been a huge help to us in making our dreams a reality. With just five short hours remaining, we continue to get closer and closer to befriending the final boss! Remember, you can help out in a variety of ways, including:

  • Upgrading your pledge. Now is as good a time as any to jump up a tier or two to grab some amazing merch!
  • Add bonus support now for the add-ons you'll be purchasing in Backerkit
  • Add bonus support now for shipping costs you'll be paying in Backerkit

If you can't help financially you can still help by telling everyone about the game. This is the LAST chance to get to that final Stretch Goal and finish up the Social Goals and unlock Lisa. Don’t let anyone miss out on this great opportunity! You may just meet a new friend to play this awesome game with!

  • Every dollar pledged is 1 Travis Point
  • Every backer who joins is 2 Travis Points
  • Every Social Challenge Post is some absurd amount of Travis Points

We are so close! Just five hours left!

We're livestreaming in about 15 minutes. DO NOT MISS IT!

~The Maestro Team

Final 12 Hours! Livestream Tonight!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Mar 30, 2023 at 11:53:11 AM

Hello Friends,

So Close

Just a fun little update from us cheerleaders on the sideline. You are all fantastic and the hype and buzz being created by you all is really pushing Sally Face: Strange Nightmares to levels we could not have even dreamed of. 

Remember we are fighting to befriend Travis, and convince him to become part of the gang. It would just be enormous to be able to hit 100,000 TP and would help us immensely in carrying out our vision to create the best game possible for you all! Let’s keep up the good work!

As a reminder, Travis Points are collected for every $1 raised in the Kickstarter, every backer that joins the campaign, and every social challenge you complete. You can help out by:

  • Upgrading your pledge
  • Adding bonus support for add-ons and shipping
  • Getting your friends to back now by telling them all about the Kickstarter Exclusives that they can only get if they back now!

Anything you can do help our push, now is the time to do it! Twelve. More. Hours. LET’S DO IT!

Join the Slumber Party Tonight!

We'll be livestreaming late tonight to celebrate the last few hours of the campaign, join us and we'll all be team no sleep together! 10pm EST/7pm PST/2am GMT HERE.

Unlocked Boss Battle Cards:

~The Maestro Team